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Writer's pictureLIGHTGUIDED


I sat down with spirit and one of my favorite oracle decks ready to pull cards for this week’s messages. Impatient, recognizing I missed writing the weekly messages on time, again, I thought, “oh man, it’s already Thursday” followed by, “better late than never” and chuckled quietly to myself. Undeterred I declared, “okay spirit, let’s get this party started.”

As it happens, weekly messages tend to have a “heavier” more serious vibe than the monthly Element readings. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I shuffled the deck focusing my intention and drew the first card. Vesica Piscis #26 - the integration of divine masculine and divine feminine energies and integration of our physical and spiritual bodies. This card didn’t resonate with me at all! I put it back into the deck, refocused my intention, and shuffled. Then, as if randomly, card #27 popped out!

Card # 27 is Joy. If you didn't catch that - it’s also the next card in the deck following Vesica Piscis. Without warning the next thought resounded in my mind, “NO!” Seriously spirit - you want me to write a message about Joy, now? I laughed audibly this time, with notable discomfort, and knew this was exactly the message that needed to come forward today.

In spiritual practice sometimes we sugar coat painful things. Even if we tried, sugar coating doesn't seem possible in the current circumstances. Humanity is growing through an incredible time. A lot of darkness is surfacing for healing - globally and individually. Many are experiencing struggle, fear, pain, and loss – and who knows - this may continue on for the foreseeable future.

At first glance, we might be excited by the idea that we're progressing from Vesica Piscis #26 and moving into Joy (#27), but, as Spirit prompted, "there is so much more here than meets-the-eye."

In difficult times we might resent Joy; the idea of it, that other people have it and we don’t, that it once existed and now it doesn’t, and we might fear it will never-ever return. In this scenario our relationship with Joy is one of dependence, separation, judgement, and hopelessness. Consider this - what if Joy is not something we have or experience, but is simply the core of who we are? What if Joy cannot be gained or lost, changed or moved, stressed or broken - but is ever present, in, through, and as us?

Joy, like Love and Oneness, is an expression of Spirit. Spirit is infinite, immoveable, indestructible. We cannot possess Joy, Love, Spirit, or Oneness – they simply are - and get this, we are the perfect expression of each of them. Said another way, Joy is the home in our soul. The safe place of comfort and nurturing we can rely on and retreat to any time we need or want. We can be with this comfort and know it is always here for us even in the worst of times – or especially in the worst of times.

Joy lives in us as an expression of spirit – this is the beauty and gift of Joy!

Angel Messages: "I am your link between heaven and earth, between your humanity and your divinity. I am here to help you heal the conflict that exists between your heart and mind. Feel me in your heart and thougths. Through oneness, there is love." - Archangel Metatron


  • Words: Rites of Passage. Self-Love. Patience.

  • Healing Meditation: Sacral Chakra/Joy

  • Healing Crystals: Pyromorphite, Kunzite, Cuprite.

Spirit Animal

  • Skunk Spirit - Know your worth


  • I understand that everyone has their own unique path and challenges.

  • I understand that a friend is in my life for a reason


Card Credits

  • The Secret Language of Light – Denise Jarvie

  • Healing Angel Cards - Toni Carmine Salerno

  • Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

  • Light Seer’s Tarot – Chris Ann

  • Chakra Love - Katie Manekshaw

  • Souls Journey - James Van Praagh

  • Spirit Animal Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid


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