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All Psychics are Enlightened and Other Myths

For millennia, psychics have been glorified, mystified, and demonized. We like making up stories about the things we don't understand. We do this to either align with something we aspire to or separate ourselves from something that scares us. Either way, you'll get no judgment from me. Look, I'm a good storyteller myself. After all, I am human. 

I'm also psychic.

The word psychic, depending on your particular orientation to such things, conjures up images of crystal balls, voodoo dolls, galactic beings, or rainbows and unicorns. It rarely conjures images of a successful CEO business owner, but hey, that happens, too. 

If you follow this kind of thing, you've no doubt come across YouTube stories about scientists, engineers, and recovering corporate ladder climbers (like me) who have become channelers, energy healers, and the like. So, being a CEO business owner isn't that much of a stretch.

As a CEO and a psychic, I like to keep these worlds separate, but I can't—at least not 100% of the time. I am the common denominator, and wherever I go, there I am. Honestly, it feels pretty vulnerable wearing these two hats in the world. I haven't faced too much scrutiny, but you never know who's going to think you're a freak of nature or a wildly endowed goddess anointed by the universe.

True story. I once told a date I worked as a counselor and the rest of the night he confessed his deepest secrets while self-consciously asking if I was diagnosing him. You can imagine openly telling people I'm psychic isn't at the top of my to-do list.

Nonetheless, to normalize being psychic, I put together a little cheat sheet in case you run into a psychic on the street or hear that one of your dearest friends is one. This might help. 

Myths about Being Psychic:

  1. Psychics read minds. Some psychics are trained in this skill, but most psychics don't read minds. For the record, most psychics don't want to read minds. We have enough to navigate without diving into other people's cavernous thoughts. Yikes! 

  2. Psychics always know what's going to happen before it does. Well, yes and no. Psychic information comes in two ways: as a flash or as something one must attune to. Psychics with good boundaries do not spend their time trying to read the energy of everything going on. How exhausting!

  3. Psychics can win the lottery anytime they want to. Definitely no. Hence my other job as a CEO. 

  4. Psychics know their future, your future, and THE future. Reading energy is like reading a good novel. Even if the foreshadowing is really good, you don't always know how the ending will go. Besides, who wants to know the outcome of everything before it happens–super boring!

  5. Psychics can predict with certainty the outcome of anything, including the election. Again, like reading a novel, reading energy is simply the ability to tap into probabilities. Psychics interpret probabilities. Not to mention, energy is always changing. While it's possible to guess right, predicting the future is not the purpose of psychic information, in most cases. 

  6. Psychics are devil spawn. Intuition is a divine innate gift every soul is born with. We don't all learn how to use it. Oh, and I don't believe in a devil.

  7. Psychics are enlightened. Some psychics get information that is pretty mind-blowing, but all psychics are still human, struggling with human things. Even if they might have a richer awareness of the divine universe, in most cases we're no more enlightened than most. 

  8. People love it when their psychic friend gives them advice. Nope. 

  9. Psychics talk to dead people. Yes. Some psychics can tap into the energy of departed loved ones and exchange telepathic communication. It's pretty cool, actually. 

  10. Psychics use crystal balls. None that I know of. 

  11. Being psychic makes life easier. Rarely. In truth, it adds a layer of complexity to just about every situation. Psychics are processing a lot of input - most that others aren't aware of. It's the coolest, weirdest, most exhausting gift to have..

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2 Kommentare

Patti Smith
Patti Smith
31. Aug. 2024

As a mental health therapist, I totally get how difficult it can be to navigate relationships - lots of assumptions, etc. I imagine saying you're a psychic would be even more difficult! You're amazing and I'm so happy that you are delving deeper into your innate abilities!

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Lisa K. Jackson
Lisa K. Jackson
31. Aug. 2024
Antwort an

Thanks Patti! ❤️🙏🏻🦋

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