t’s been a long haul but things are settling down. You’re beginning to see the possibilities available to you, once again, and oh what a relief it is.
This full moon you’ll have inner peace - justice is being restored and so is your inner wellbeing. You’ve been wrapped up in learning and feeling more restless than usual.
You played a major role in bringing balance and equity to the world in the last few weeks. While you may be a bit worn out your contribution has been irreplaceable.
You can settle back into your full self, acknowledge the shift, breathe easy for a minute. The work is never done, but you need need time to restore and reset.
Then, you’ll be prepared to step back into your mission more powerfully than ever before - in fact, you’ll still be at the front lines, leading the way for the rest of us. Steady on!
Angel Messages: "Close your eyes for a moment. Breathe in the blue of the sky. Feel the gentle breeze flow you. There is peace, there is clarity. A magical healing has just taken place, a gift from your guardian angel."
Words: Grounding. Learning. Letting Go. Flexibility.
Healing for root chakra (red)
Hematite, Red Jasper, Green Fluorite, Smokey Quartz
Card Credits
Healing Angel Cards: Loving Guidance from the Angels - Toni Carmine Salerno
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Light Seer’s Tarot – Chris Ann
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