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Writer's pictureLIGHTGUIDED

JULY 2020 | EARTH SIGNS | Transformation

The spiritual journey isn't for wimps! It takes guts to face the trials of our own humanity and the impact of others humanity on us. In fact, it doesn't always feel that humane -- to say the least!

This month change is in the wind - and it's likely an unexpected shift in your circumstances that has you shaking your head a bit. Ouch, Earth-Signs - seriously, it's kind of like a duct-tape band-aid being ripped off.

Fortunately, you have the strength of the earth in your chart so you're picking yourself up by the bootstraps, shaking off the shock -- and gracefully (as gracefully as you can while in shock) recovering.

Something you put a lot of effort, attention, and care into has taken a radical-turn. Fret not my earthy friends - this departure from the "norm" is opening you to a transformational leveling-up. You are on the way to greater manifestation and abundance.

These kind of changes can jolt you awake, feel crazy intense, and knock you into a new awareness. They also serve as a clearing -- moving stagnant energies out so new higher vibing energy can enter into your life. Consider it a gift from the universe!

Angel Messages: "Through the great love that holds you in its embrace, you are moment by moment transforming to ever-greater light, ever-greater oneness and ever-greater wisdom."


  • Words: Past-life. Manifestation. Emotional Healing

  • Healing for Heart Chakra

  • Healing Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Libyan Gold Tektite, Awakening Crystal


Card Credits

  • Healing Angel Cards: Loving Guidance from the Angels - Toni Carmine Salerno

  • Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

  • Light Seer’s Tarot – Chris Ann

  • Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards - Colette Baron-Reid


Disclaimer: All suggested resources are publicly accessible sites we believe contain valuable information. We are not affiliated, or otherwise paid to promote or advertise other services. We encourage viewers to use discretion and access resources that resonate personally for you.

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